When we come into the rooms of recovery, we are assured that every person in the meeting went through what we are feeling. Everyone has been driven here by one form of unmanageability or another, and it is a relief and extremely humbling that we all share this experience.
Similarly, everyone's had their first roundup. It can be an intimidating experience to enter a space where everyone seems to know what they are doing and where to go. That's why we've put together this blog post to help you pack, arrive, and have an amazing experience at Austin Roundup 2023.
Before you arrive
Be a joiner! Go ahead and purchase lunch and dinner so that you are confident you can attend all the events. Once you've secured your ticket, reach out to home group members to see if they are also attending. You can hitch a ride with them or follow their lead for transportation.
What to pack
Be sure to pack a swimsuit, sunglasses, and flip flops for the pool! Come with something snazzy so you can go out on the town or stay dressy during the Saturday evening banquet. While the Texas heat is in full force during July, the conference rooms can get cold. So bring a wrap, honey.
How to act
Being of service in a new or unfamiliar place is an amazing way to get out of your head and give you some purpose. Sign up to volunteer for a shift or two and you'll have a place to be at that time and a reason to talk to people. While you're chatting, be sure to get some contact information! New friends are sure to invite you to their dinner table!
Things to do
Check out our other blog posts on best sober things to do, brands we love in Central Texas, and places to eat around the conference hotel. We want to show you some good old fashioned Texas hospitality, and the entire organization is open to suggestions!
Finally, please do check out the Austin Roundup store for some conference swag! We will have some for sale at the conference, but you'll have it shipped to yourself. Buy today and don't miss out!